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We went around our schools and asked

 "What Do You Wish You Knew at the Start of 2019"


Here is what some students had to say...





"don't date your friend" 






"That I would be nearly 20 minutes away from the dining hall."


"that the world is going to end and nothing really matters, and that we are all going to die sooner than later"


"How quickly time passes."


"How much I should have studied for the SSAT"


"Don't take Spanish 3, it's not worth the pain."


"Class IV English is no joke"


"to have taken bigger risks this year"


"That bagels are key to life!"

"Roll with the punches and don't judge yourself too hard. You can't control some things, and that's ok. Be happy with who you are."


"you might be gay..."


"that I should do my work the night it is assigned"

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