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Issue 4, Theme


Brooks School

Devoutly Questioning

Written by Sophie Bird, Brooks School

Concord Academy

The Inclusion of Religion

Written by Steven Rhodes, Concord Academy

Deerfield Academy

Religion- From Family Tradition to Personal Significance

Written by Joshua Fang, Deerfield Academy Panel Member

Groton School

But What about the Jews?

Written by Macy Lipkin, Groton School Panel Member

Milton Academy

A Confused Christian

Written by Jessica Wang, Milton Academy

Northfield Mount Hermon School

Christmas as a Catholic

Written by Anna Creonte, NMH School

Phillips Academy Andover

Bad Atheist

Written by Max Vale, Phillips Academy Andover Panel Member

St. Mark's School

Practicing Atheism at a Religious School

Written by June Seong and Joanne Lim, St. Mark's School Panel Members

Tabor Academy

Devil's in the Details

Written by Anonymous, Tabor Academy

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Created by The Tavern's Cartoonists,

Malik Gaye (Groton School)

Lilly Le (Milton Academy)

Alice Lu (Phillips Academy Andover)

Simon Zylstra (St. Mark's School)

Survey Question

We went around our schools and asked students:


   "What is one (embarrassing) thing for which you have prayed?"


Here is what some students had to say...



I prayed for a pony for about two years straight.

- Concord Academy


To find the remote control

- Milton Academy



- Phillips Academy Andover


To become a famous celebrity

- NMH School


Kitten mittens.

- Deerfield Academy


That Trump would not win presidency.

- Deerfield Academy


"God, please give me superpowers so I can rule—I mean save—the world"

- Phillips Academy Andover


Prayed for the next day to be Christmas even though it was April

- Groton School


Two words: unlimited food.

- Groton School


When my American Girl Doll was sent to the American Girl Doll Hospital, I prayed they would be able to fix her arm. No worries, she came back fine.

- Tabor Academy


A good grade on the physics exam freshman year (god didn’t come thru)

- Milton Academy


Honestly, I prayed that I was straight one time.

- Phillips Academy Andover


Forgiveness for my farts

- Milton Academy




We went around our schools and asked students:


   "If God walked into the room right now, what would you say?"


Here is what some students had to say...


Im so so so so so so sorry... like did you see everything?

- Phillips Academy Andover



- Milton Academy



- Concord Academy


I'll be damned.

- Concord Academy


You Exist!

- NMH School


Why is there so much hate in the world

- Deerfield Academy


So, about this whole cancer business…

- Phillips Academy Andover


The acid must be kicking in

- Deerfield Academy


Pls lmk where ur plan for my life is bc i'm not seeing it yet

- Tabor Academy


Why do you allow hate in this world

- NMH School


Forgive me

- Groton School


I would ask him for endless wine cause im sick and tired of drinking tap water

- Milton Academy


You're real?

- Concord Academy


Why do good people suffer?

- Milton Academy



- Deerfield Academy


I should not have blasphemed so often

- Milton Academy



* The Tavern understands respondents have potentially different ideas, understandings, or beliefs about the creator and the physicality (or natural form) of this creator. The Editorial Board hopes respondents took this question as they wished and responded to it with whatever amount of significance it may have held for them.

Created by The Tavern's Cartoonists,

Malik Gaye (Groton School)

Lilly Le (Milton Academy)

Alice Lu (Phillips Academy Andover)

Simon Zylstra (St. Mark's School)


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