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Issue 6, Theme


Brooks School

All Relationships Are Important

Written by Ariana Riccio, Brooks School

Concord Academy

Hookup Culture- Inside and Outside the Bubble

Written by Eliza Grossman, Concord Academy Editor

Deerfield Academy

From Hookups to Relationships- The Problem with Dating in Boarding School

Written by Uwa Ede-Osifo, Deerfield Academy

Groton School

Who's to Blame for Hookup Culture?

Written by Macy Lipkin and Marianne Lu, Groton School Panel Members

Milton Academy

Fuck Fake Friends

Written by Drew Bartkus, Milton Academy

Northfield Mount Hermon School


Written by Julian Kinney, NMH School

Phillips Academy Andover

Searching Alone

Written by Cedric Elkouh, Phillips Academy Andover

St. Mark's School

I and Other- Thought to Address

Written by June Seong, St. Mark's School

Tabor Academy

Being Gay in a Conservative High School

Written by Charlie Dineen, Tabor Academy

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Created by The Tavern's Cartoonists,

Malik Gaye (Groton School)

Lilly Le (Milton Academy)

Alice Lu (Phillips Academy Andover)

Simon Zylstra (St. Mark's School)

Survey Question

We went around our schools and asked students:

   "Best prep school pickup lines?"

Here is what some students had to say...


“Google me.” 

- Deerfield Academy 


“if you and I were a squash match, we'd always be love-love” 

- Milton Academy


“Will you be my student loans? Because I'd like to have you around for the rest of my life.” 

- Concord Academy


"Good thing I have my library card...'Cause I'm checking you out"

- Groton School


“Graves? ;)” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“Im a four w/ a 4.0” 

- Milton Academy


"Hey I'm the weather man, you should be expecting ten inches tonight."

- Groton School


“I like your necklace. Is that a Van Cleef? I used to know a girl who wore a Van Cleef.” 

- Brooks School


“I have a yacht” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


"u must be a banana bc i find u a peeling"

- Groton School


“The left side of the equation of the divergence theorem if thought about in the context of an electric field E says "send" .... wonder what the right side says? ;)” 

- Concord Academy


“Hey, your fly is up...” 

- Concord Academy


“Vineyard Vines and Timberlands aren't the only things I'm interested in ;-)” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


"Are you the third principle part? Cause you're perfect."

- Groton School


“Are you Milton Academy work, because I'm gonna have to do you all night.” 

- Milton Academy


“Are you a history paper because I'm going to ignore you for one week then bang you out in one night.” 

- Concord Academy


“Hey girl, are you my appendix because I don't understand you but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out”

- Brooks School


“For a DSG, you really act like a boarder.” 

- Milton Academy


“Are you Vineyard Vines? Because I want you all over me.” 

- Concord Academy


"Are you my lunch at the dining hall? Because I've been waiting for you a looooong time."

- Groton School


“u tryna leave” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“weren't you in Emerson's class with me last year? Because I'm pretty sure we had chemistry ;)” 

- Deerfield Academy


“are you cinderella? because i see that dress disappearing by midnight” 

- Milton Academy


“You tryn to get this dock?” 

- Brooks School


“Are you Harvard? Because i have no chance with you.” 

- Concord Academy


“Did it hurt when u fell from the labs roof” 

- Concord Academy


“Hey girl, do you go to Thayer? Because I could definitely get into you.” 

- Milton Academy


“I want to Mount N Dew you” 

- Brooks School


“yo, let's study anatomy 2gether “ 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“Are you a booger, cuz id pick you first” 

- Deerfield Academy


“i'm a trust fund baby, you can trust me” 

- Milton Academy


“Is that Vineyard Vines, because I want you to be Vineyard Mine.” 

- St. Mark’s School


“Are you my private yacht? Cause I'm entitled to have you.” 

- Concord Academy


“Let's get out of here” 

- Brooks School


“I’m learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?” 

- Milton Academy


“Are you senior spring? Because I sure am glad I survived long enough to see you.” 

- Concord Academy


We went around our schools and asked students:

   "Your most recent relationship in five words?"

Here is what some students had to say...

“Never laughed at my memes” 

- Concord Academy


“Written + Directed by James Franco” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“in love with that nerd” 

- Milton Academy


“I could have done better” 

- Concord Academy


“It was the best cat.” 

- Brooks School


“English teacher's daughter...bad idea”

- Groton School


“Left hand and right hand” 

- Deerfield Academy


“quick hook-ups and parietal dates” 

- Milton Academy


“20 Gigabytes on a computer” 

- NMH School


“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

- Groton School


“Sometime in my past life” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“An unusual but amazing thing” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“Hit it and quit it“ 

- Deerfield Academy


“Me and my couch, man.” 

- Brooks School


“chocolate cupcake with fruit inside”

- Groton School


“She wasn't gay for ME.” 

- Concord Academy


“No I'm on top grr” 

- Milton Academy


“Unfortunately, all in my head.” 

- Deerfield Academy


“watch 50 shades of grey”

- Groton School


“Most cringe in my lifetime” 

- Brooks School


“She didn't give a shit” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“Fifteen years all by myself” 

- Concord Academy


“I love gluten free pasta”

- Groton School


“He is my best friend” 

- Brooks School


“Well, it wasn't at Phillips!” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“yikes he cheated on me” 

- Deerfield Academy


“Sex once in his car” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“Friends are all I need.”

- Groton School


“I only need one: Amazing” 

- Concord Academy


“1 year and 2 months in counting” 

- Milton Academy


“not nice but also nice” 

- Phillips Academy Andover


“Her friends replaced our love” 

- Brooks School


“he has a goatee now” 

- Phillips Academy Andover

Created by The Tavern's Cartoonists,

Malik Gaye (Groton School)

Lilly Le (Milton Academy)

Alice Lu (Phillips Academy Andover)

Simon Zylstra (St. Mark's School)


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